
Artificial intelligence solution for human resources, to source and map skills

CONTEXT & Issues

HR teams today often work on time-consuming tasks such as sourcing via social networks or empiric constructing of skills maps, taking time away from more value-add tasks such as relationship building and recruitment strategy.

The search for CVs also concerns sales representatives who have to compile dossiers in response to tenders. However, this task often has to be carried out in urgently owing to the response deadlines requested.

In the digital age, turning to data science solutions is a necessary approach to improve human resource management.

the solution

A fluid, ergonomic and efficient Assystem solution, Emoby offers a new approach that aims to bring human resources closer to technical needs. It is based on the analysis of data (CVs, job descriptions, skills maps, etc.) supported by artificial intelligence algorithms that allow human resources professionals to:

  • Carry out intelligent and automatic searches in different CV databases
  • Analyse raw documentation in various formats (Word, PDF, etc.) via semantic analysis
  • Use additional data (metadata) to filter searches according to certain criteria (location, experience, etc.)
  • Generate skills maps, dynamically and automatically

Emoby can be designed and deployed as an owner application in terms of CV databases, filtering metadata and user experience.


Emoby automates the processes of searching for profiles from raw data acquired or not within the company: employeeCVs, annual skills interviews, activity reports produced by employees, mobility wishes, etc.

Emoby's objective is to facilitate the sourcing of candidates, so a matching technology has been put in place. This technology is capable of converting candidate CV databases into searchable semantic spaces in a matter of seconds.

This allows human resources professionals to:

  • Search for profiles in a database of CVs supported by artificial intelligence from a need formulated in a job description
  • Automatically generate skill and job maps

Discover the Emoby solution and our case study


  • Analyse raw textual data without additional rewriting work
  • Provide access to the largest possible panel of profiles to respond to recruitment needs
  • Reduce the time needed to detect profiles likely to respond to skills needs
  • Mapping and projecting all employee skills to help make strategic decisions in terms of recruitment and training
  • Enable employees to have a vision of their career, reduce turnover and reinforce mobility


  • Reduction of repetitive and low value-add activities
  • Saves time searching for CVs and profiles to include in tender responses
  • Dynamic generation of skills and job maps
  • Secure and controlled access to part of its CVs to enable clients to search directly for profiles to be staffed, without human intervention
  • Adaptation to the client's specific requirements: confidentiality, data protection (GDPR), etc.


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