Industrial control systems are changing dramatically with the digitalisation of industry. While this trend provides better connectivity and new and improved functions for operation and maintenance activities, it also increases the risk of cybersecurity threats. Industrial control systems must therefore address increasing security, flexibility, sustainability, profitability, and integrity requirements.

Assystem’s teams provide support from the initial definition of system specifications through to maintenance in operational condition (MOC) across design, integration, validation, commissioning, and maintenance stages.


We support our clients in the technical specification, design studies and implementation of industrial control systems and global security projects.

We offer our clients several collaboration schemes and can operate as :

  • Turnkey solution providers
  • Operator Engineer
  • Architect Engineer
  • or even Owner Engineer

Our main solutions for industrial control systems projects are:

  • Programmable Industrial Controller
  • Fail-safe Control Systems
  • Digital Control System
  • Industrial SCADA/ hypervision - HMI
  • Building Management System
  • Building operating system


Our teams offer a comprehensive approach to Verification and Validation (V&V) to guarantee compliance with regulatory, standard, technical and functional requirements.

To enhance the performance of our customers’ projects, we digitalise the processes of illustrating compliance: Digital V&V, requirements management, configuration management, etc.

Maintenance: MOC, MSC

We provide expertise in MOC (Maintenance in Operational Condition) and MSC (Maintenance in Security Condition) to preserve the sustainability of performance and the integrity of industrial control systems over time (operating and maintenance phases).

  • Maintenance in operational condition (MOC)
  • Third-party application maintenance (TPAM)
  • Maintenance in security condition (MSC)
  • Maintenance repair and operation (MRO)

Our dual position meets strategic industrial challenges

Assystem’s dual position as engineer and integrator enables the full control of specifications, design, development, and maintenance of industrial information systems.

Architectures proposed for systems and their data leverage digital tools (Factory 4.0) to provide solutions which guarantee integrity and cybersecurity.


Assystem has developed an industrial cybersecurity offer to provide industrial sites and infrastructures the ability to evaluate, deploy and maintain the right level of prevention and protection of Industrial Information Systems in compliance with regulations.

Our offer is developed in 3 parts, depending on the project context:


  • Risk analysis and system classification
  • Definition of risk management plans
  • Specification of technical and organisational mitigation measures (preventive / corrective)
  • Verification of compliance of measures in place and specification of any adjustments required
  • Support for security certification and governance implementation


  • Renovation of existing industrial systems and compliance with regulations and standards (By Default)
  • Design and implementation of new industrial systems that comply with current regulations (By Design)

Maintenance : MOC/MSC


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